Once during Lent people was not allowed to consume eggs and for this reason they cumulated till Easter: that's why in a lot of Italian traditional Easter dishes eggs are one of the principal ingredients. Besides eggs once cooked may last for more days.
12 boiled eggs,
1 zucchini,
1 red pepper,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
smoked salmon,
8 crayfish tails,
1 avocado,
lemon juice
Put eggs in a pot and cover them with cold water, when the water boils cook for 10 minutes and them let water cool down and then peal the eggs. Cut eggs in half and take the yolk out, then:
1st egg
Mix the yolks with salt, a little olive oil and thinly chopped zucchini, carrot and red pepper, fill the half egg whites and garnish with the onion.
2nd egg
Mix the yolks with mayonnaise, lemon juice and grated ginger; fill the half egg whites and garnish with stripes of zucchini rolled up in the smoked salmon.
3rd egg
Mix the yolks with the chopped avocado, salt, pepper, fill the half egg whites and garnish with the crayfish tails cooked brown with oil and two garlic cloves.
1st egg
Mix the yolks with salt, a little olive oil and thinly chopped zucchini, carrot and red pepper, fill the half egg whites and garnish with the onion.
2nd egg
Mix the yolks with mayonnaise, lemon juice and grated ginger; fill the half egg whites and garnish with stripes of zucchini rolled up in the smoked salmon.
3rd egg
Mix the yolks with the chopped avocado, salt, pepper, fill the half egg whites and garnish with the crayfish tails cooked brown with oil and two garlic cloves.
Durante il periodo della Quaresima un tempo la chiesa aveva proibito il consumo di uova che, causa la produzione continua delle galline, si accumulavano fino a Pasqua: da qui il motivo per cui in moltissimi piatti pasquali tradizionali italiani le uova sono l’ingrediente principale. Le uova inoltre si possono rassodare e così durano più giorni.
12 uova sode
1 zucchina
1 peperone rosso
1 carota
1 cipollotto
salmone affumicato
8 code di gambero
1 avocado
Mettere le uova in un pentolino e coprirle con acqua fredda, quando l’acqua bolle calcolare 10 minuti esatti, poi lasciare raffreddare l’acqua e pelare le uova.
Dividere le uova sode a metà per il lungo svuotarle dai tuorli poi:
uovo 1
amalgamare i tuorli con sale e poco olio d’oliva e zucchina, carota e peperone tagliati a piccoli pezzi, riempire i mezzi albumi e guarnire con cipollotto
uovo 2
lavorare i tuorli con maionese, sale, succo di limone e zenzero grattugiato; riempire i mezzi albumi e guarnire con filetti di zucchina avvolti nel salmone affumicato
uovo 3
amalgamare i tuorli con dadini di avocado, sale, pepe, tabasco, limone; guarnire con code di gambero rosolati in padella con un po' d'olio e due spicchi d’aglio.
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