Tiziano Vecellio
(Pieve di Cadore 1485 c. - Venezia, 08-27-1576)
Woman at the mirror / Donna allo specchio 1512-1515
Parigi, Louvre
Piéve di Cadore is an alpine village that has always had a political, administrative and cultural role in the Cadore area, and for all Comelico. Here Tiziano Vecellio, the official painter of the Venetian republic which Pieve was part, was born.During an epidemic pestilence, Tiziano died in Venice on august 27th 1576 and he was buried in the Church of Saint Mary of Friars.
The mirrors
The convex mirror that the boy is laying behind the woman is a typical barber mirror. About mirrors, magic objects, there are numerous belief. Mirrors must have kept veiled because it was believed that they could attract the negative atoms that would infect the person who was looking at it or they could be satined by the gaze of impure women. The round mirror was symbolically connected to female, the moon and the future prediction. There in act was a popular art of divination that worked through the mirror: the catottromancy. This would explain the tinge of concern in the woman gaze, as if she was having her future vision beyond her reflected image.
Gli specchi
Il tipo di specchio convesso che il ragazzo dispone dietro la donna è un tipico "specchio da barbieri". Sugli specchi, oggetti magici, le credenze erano innumerevoli. Gli specchi andavano tenuti velati poiché si riteneva si potessero caricare di atomi negativi che avrebbero contagiato il riguardante o si potessero macchiare con lo sguardo delle donne impure. Lo specchio tondo era simbolicamente legato al femminile, alla luna e alla previsione del futuro. Esisteva infatti una diffusa pratica divinatoria che si operava per mezzo di specchi: la catottromanzia. Questo andrebbe a spiegare la sfumatura di inquietudine presente nello sguardo della donna, come se questa avesse una visione del suo futuro, oltre che della propria immagine riflessa.
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